Return flights from Copenhagen to Kuwait or Iran from €124!

We have found another great deal from Scandinavia to the Middle East countries with Turkish Airlines/AnadoluJet! Currently, you can book very cheap flights from Denmark to Kuwait or Iran, the cheapest return tickets from Copenhagen to Kuwait City or Tehran are available for just €124! Only a handbag is included in a base fare but even if you add checked-in luggage you need to pay an extra fee. Flying from: Copenhagen Flying to: Kuwait City, Tehran Airline(s): Turkish Airlines/AnadoluJet Luggage: Handbag only Outbound travel dates: January to March 2023 Max stay: 3 months Book by: Unknown Booking samples Copenhagen to Kuwait from €124 Copenhagen to Tehran from €166 Booking sample of cheap return flights from Scandinavia to Kuwait from €124! Outbound from Copenhagen to Kuwait City on the 27th of January. Inbound from the Middle East back to Scandinavia on the 3rd of February 2023.Continue readingReturn flights from Copenhagen to Kuwait or Iran from €124!

