Full-service return flights from Italy to the Maldives for €516!

Looking for reasonably priced flights from Italy to the tropical Maldives you may consider the service of Saudi Airlines (SkyTeam). Return flights from Rome or Milan to Malé, the capital city of the Republic of Maldives are available for €516. This is a full-service offer incl. taxes, meals, handbags, and checked luggage. Flying from: Rome, Milan Flying to: Malé Airline(s): Saudia Luggage: 1x23kg bag Outbound travel dates: From the end of January to the beginning of June 2023 Max stay: You must complete all travel by the 28th of June Book by: Unknown Booking samples Rome to Malé, the Maldives for €516 Milan to Malé, the Maldives for €526 Booking sample of cheap full-service Saudia flights from Italy to the Maldives for €516! Outbound from Rome to this exotic holiday destination in Asia on the 3rd of May. Return from the Maldives back to Italy on the 17th of May 2023.Continue readingFull-service return flights from Italy to the Maldives for €516!

source https://sharingcost.com/full-service-return-flights-from-italy-to-the-maldives-for-e516/
