Non-stop return flights from Nuremberg, Germany to Madeira for €46!

Thanks to a low-cost airline Ryanair you can now book cheap non-stop flights from Nuremberg, Germany to Funchal, Madeira in autumn 2022 for €46! This is the newest route from Germany with Ryanair so we might expect even cheaper flights in the future. All prices are for a roundtrip and inclusive of taxes and fees. Overhead luggage and checked luggage is available for an additional fee. Fare class is Standard. Upgrading to have baggage is a Plus fare that allows you to have priority seating (board the plane earlier), a cabin bag, reserved seating, and a 20kg checked bag. The Plus fare is an optional add on for each way so you could travel Standard outbound and do some shopping then return with a Plus ticket and luggage inbound. There are no details on the end of this deal. Many Ryanair flights have a small number of tickets for a low price such as this so we advise booking as soon as possible if you are interested… You can book this deal directly with Ryanair. We have seen the best pric..Continue readingNon-stop return flights from Nuremberg, Germany to Madeira for €46!

