Non-stop return flights from Budapest to Iceland for €80 return!

There are cheap flights between Budapest and Iceland with low-cost carrier WIZZ Air from €80 for a return ticket. This price is for WIZZ Discount Club members when traveling on their Basic fare with an under-seat carry-on item. If you are not a WIZZ Discount Club member then cheap flights are still available for only €101 with their Basic fare. As with other low-cost airline tickets, you could also fly from Reykjavik / Keflavik to Austria and return back to Iceland with this deal. Overhead and checked luggage is available for an additional fee. Fare class is Basic. The cheapest price is available when booking with the WIZZ Discount Club which you can join from €29.99 for a year’s membership. The membership is not required for bookings although you will pay slightly more for your flights. Full details of the WIZZ Discount Club benefits can be found here. There are no details on the end of this deal so if you are interested in flying to Iceland, we advise booking as soon as possible. F..Continue readingNon-stop return flights from Budapest to Iceland for €80 return!

