⚠️ ERROR FARE ⚠️ Business Class from New York to Cork, Ireland for only $800 roundtrip (Jan-Feb dates)

Error Fare Business Class flights from New York to Cork, Ireland for only $800 roundtrip with JetBlue. Appears to be a self-dump. Please note, the long-haul flights between New York and London are in business class, whilst the short-haul flights between London and Cork are in economy class. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU DELAY MAKING FURTHER PLANS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. BECAUSE THIS IS AN ERROR-FARE, THERE IS ALWAYS THE SMALL CHANCE THE AIRLINE MAY CANCEL THE TICKET. DEPART: New York, USA ARRIVE: Cork, Ireland RETURN: New York, USA DATES: Limited availability from January to February 2022 Example dates: 15th-23rd Jan 19th-24th Jan 19th-26th Jan 20th-27th Jan 26th Jan – 2nd Feb 27th Jan – 5th Feb possibly more… STOPS: London AIRLINES: JetBlue Aer Lingus GO TO DEAL All the information on this page is accurate at the time of publication. If you are viewing this deal at a later date, the price and availability may no longer be as advertised. To ensure you never miss a Secret Flyin..Continue reading⚠️ ERROR FARE ⚠️ Business Class from New York to Cork, Ireland for only $800 roundtrip (Jan-Feb dates)

source https://sharingcost.com/%e2%9a%a0%ef%b8%8f-error-fare-%e2%9a%a0%ef%b8%8f-business-class-from-new-york-to-cork-ireland-for-only-800-roundtrip-jan-feb-dates/
