Cheap flights from Seattle to Costa Rica for $238

Book flight Book hotel Rent a car 6/11/2022 10:45 AM João Cheap flights from Seattle to Costa Rica for $238 Book cheap American flights from Seattle to San Jose, Costa Rica from only $238 for a round trip! Nature Costa Rica is known for its great diversity of flora and fauna. With only 0.3 percent of the world's land mass and nearly 6 percent of the world's biodiversity, this country has the highest species per area unit in the world. It is home to sloths, monkeys, racoons, agoutis, coatis, jaguars, tapirs, iguanas, tree frogs, toucans, hummingbirds and rare quetzal birds. Visit one of the national parks: Cahuita and Tortuguero in the Caribbean coast or Corcovado and Manuel Antonio in the Pacific coast. If you want to get into the wild, you can also head inland to explore the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve. If you like to get involved working with the animals, take part in one of the volunteer programs. Proyecto Asis Rescue Center in Arenal Volcano Area help..Continue readingCheap flights from Seattle to Costa Rica for $238



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