Full-service flights from Barcelona, Spain to Tokyo, Japan for €497.

Good choice for travelers in Spain planning to visit Japan! Thanks to the promotion of 4* Etihad Airways you can book return flights to Tokyo from Barcelona for €497! This is a full-service deal incl. taxes, meals, handbags, and checked luggage. Flights have one layover in Abu Dhabi, UAE on the way to and from Japan. Consider other excellent offers currently available with Etihad such as Etihad’s 10% discount code for students. You can compare all the cheapest travel dates directly on Etihad Airways website and then book it either with the airline or with your preferred booking agent. Flying from: Barcelona Flying to: Tokyo Airline(s): Etihad Airways Luggage: 1x20kg bag Outbound travel dates: January to March 2023 Max stay: 1 month Book by: 9th of November Booking samples Spain to Tokyo from €537 (booking with Etihad) Barcelona to Tokyo for €497 Booking sample of cheap full-service flights from Spain to Japan with Etihad for €497! Outbound from Barcelona to Tokyo Narita airp..Continue readingFull-service flights from Barcelona, Spain to Tokyo, Japan for €497.

source https://sharingcost.com/full-service-flights-from-barcelona-spain-to-tokyo-japan-for-e497/


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