4* Hotel Soffia Boracay in Boracay, Philippines for only $35 USD per night

Stay at the 4* Hotel Soffia Boracay in Boracay, Philippines for only $35 USD per night. HOTEL: Hotel Soffia Boracay LOCATION: Boracay, Philippines DATES: Availability from September 2022 to May 2023 (excluding Christmas/New Year) Example dates: 7th-10th Sep 12th-15th Sep 17th-20th Sep 22nd-25th Sep 27th-30th Sep 2nd-5th Oct 7th-10th Oct 12th-15th Oct 17th-20th Oct 22nd-25th Oct 27th-30th Oct 1st-4th Nov 6th-9th Nov 11th-14th Nov 16th-19th Nov 21st-24th Nov 26th-29th Nov 1st-4th Dec 6th-9th Dec 16th-19th Dec 21st-24th Dec 26th-29th Dec 31st Dec – 3rd Jan 5th-8th Jan 10th-13th Jan 15th-18th Jan 20th-23rd Jan 25th-28th Jan 30th Jan – 2nd Feb 4th-7th Feb 9th-12th Feb 14th-17th Feb 19th-22nd Feb 24th-27th Feb 1st-4th Mar 6th-9th Mar 11th-14th Mar 16th-19th Mar 21st-24th Mar 26th-29th Mar 31st Mar – 3rd Apr 5th-8th Apr 10th-13th Apr 15th-18th Apr 20th-23rd Apr 25th-28th Apr 30th Apr – 3rd May 5th-8th May 10th-13th May 15th-18th May 20th-2..Continue reading4* Hotel Soffia Boracay in Boracay, Philippines for only $35 USD per night

source https://sharingcost.com/4-hotel-soffia-boracay-in-boracay-philippines-for-only-35-usd-per-night/


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