Cheap full-service flights to the Philippines from multiple European cities from just £373 / €388!

Book flight Book hotel Rent a car 31 Jan 2021, 11:20 Giovanni Cheap full-service flights to the Philippines from multiple European cities from just £373 / €388! Book cheap flights from Europe to Manila or Cebu, Philippines from just €388 return with British Airways & Cathay Pacific! Amazing landscapes Head to Legazpi, in the south of Luzon Island, to see the perfect cone of the majestic Mayon Volcano (2,463 m) and the ruins of Cagsawa Church. 460 km north from Manila, you’ll find Banaue village, surrounded by rice fields of Batad. Going up and down the rice terraces in this breath-taking scenery is a truly unique experience! The fields were introduced around 2000 years ago by the Chinese. In Bohol island, near Cebu, you’ll see the weirdest landscapes ever! The plain is dotted with more than 1260 so-called Chocolate Hills. In the dry season, the grass-covered geological formations turn chocolate brown. On the island of Bohol there’s also a tarsier sanctuary where you can come face to f..Continue readingCheap full-service flights to the Philippines from multiple European cities from just £373 / €388!

