Cheap full-service flights from many European cities to the Maldives from only €422!

Book flight Book hotel Rent a car 12 Jan 2022, 8:15 João Cheap full-service flights from many European cities to the Maldives from only €422! Etihad is offering cheap full-service flights from many cities in Spain, France, Ireland, UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria and Netherlands! Book a ticket from only €422 return! Maldives is a dream destination, with luxury bungalows extending over turquoise waters. Sandy beaches, swaying palm trees, coral reefs and underwater wildlife make this country one of the most sought after sunshine destinations on the planet. 1 of 7 Island hopping Maldives is a tropical archipelago which consists of about 1200 coral islands and countless lagoons, grouped in a double chain of 26 atolls in the heart of the Indian Ocean. For short hops, boat is the cheapest option for getting around the atolls. Hop on board the traditional Maldivian dhoni and pay a visit to the smallest resorts in the Maldives, getting a glimpse of life on local isl..Continue readingCheap full-service flights from many European cities to the Maldives from only €422!

